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ORIENTAL FRUIT MOTH Grapholitha molesta (Busck) -- Lepidoptera,
Olethreutidae (Contacts) ----- CLICK on Photo to enlarge &
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greater detail on the biological control effort and biologies of host and
natural enemies, please refer also to the following (Fink 1926, Driggers
1930, 1941; van Steenburgh 1931, Garman & Bingham 1933, Grandi 1933,
Haeussler 1933, 1932, 1940; Daniel 1932, 1936a,b; Pepper & Driggers 1934,
Haden 1935, Lopez-Cristobal 1935, Neiswander 1936, van Steenburgh & Boyce
1938, Helson 1939, 1947; Allen et al. 1940, Brunson 1940, Carrion 1940,
Brunson & Allen 1944, 1954; Smith 1945, Boyce 1947, Boyce & Dustan
1958, Turica 1960, Wilson 1960, Turnbull & Chant 1961, Allen 1962, McLeod
1962, Crouzel 1963, Putnam 1963, Croft & AliNiazee 1999). REFERENCES: For additional references, please also refer to MELVYL Library Allen,
H. W. 1962. Parasites of the
Oriental fruit moth in the eastern United States. U. S. Dept. Agric. Tech. Bull. 1265. 139 p. Allen, H. W., J. K. Holloway &
G. J. Haeussler. 1940. Importation, rearing and colonization of
parasites of the Oriental fruit moth.
U. S. Dept. Agric. Cir. 561.
61 p. Boyce, H. R.
1947. Long term trends in
parasitism of twig-infesting Oriental fruit moth larvae. Ent. Soc. Ontario, 77th Ann. Rept.
(1946): 21-34. Boyce, H. R. & G. G. Dustan. 1958.
Prominent features of parasitism of twig-infesting larvae of the
Oriental fruit moth, Grapholitha
molesta (Busck)
(Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae) in Ontario, Canada. 10th Internatl. Cong. Ent. Proc. (1956) 4: 493-96. Brunson, M.
H. 1940. Mass liberation of
parasites of the Oriental fruit moth for immediate reduction of
infestations. J. Econ.
Ent. 33: 346-49. Brunson, M. H.
& H. W. Allen. 1944. Mass liberation of parasites for immediate
reduction of Oriental fruit moth injury to ripe peaches. J. Econ. Ent. 37: 411-16. Brunson, M. H.
& H. W. Allen. 1954.
Joint use of parasites and insecticides for control of the Oriental
fruit moth. J. Econ.
Ent. 47: 147-52. Carrion, F.
M. 1940. La lucha contra la Laspeyresia
molesta (Busck) en el
Uruguay. Assoc. de Ingen. Agron. Rev.
12: 7-13. Clausen, C.
P. (ed.). 1978.
Introduced Parasites and Predators of Arthropod Pests and Weeds: A World Review. U. S. Dept. Agric. 545
p. Croft, B. A. & M. T. AliNiazee. 1999.
Biological control in deciduous tree fruit crops. In: Bellows, T. S. & T. W. Fisher (eds.), Handbook of Biological Control:
Principles and Applications.
Academic Press, San Diego, New York.
1046 p. Crouzel, I.
S. de. 1963. Sobre el control biológico de Grapholitha molesta (Busck) en la Repçblica Argentina. Rev. de Ent. Argentina
26: 129-31. Daniel, D.
M. 1932. Macrocentrus ancylivorus Rohwer, a
polyembryonic braconid parasite of the Oriental fruit moth. New York Agric. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bull.
187. 101 p. Daniel, D.
M. 1936a. Mass liberation of
an Oriental fruit moth parasite. J. Econ.
Ent. 29: 459-61. Daniel, D.
M. 1936b. Utilizing parasites in controlling the
Oriental fruit moth. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer.
29: 640-44. Driggers, B. F. 1930. Some studies on
the larval parasites of the Oriental fruit moth (Laspeyresia molesta
Busck). New Jersey Agric. Expt. Sta.
Bull. 510. 19 p. Driggers, B. F. 1941. Three years'
survey and liberation of Oriental fruit moth parasites in peach orchards in
northern New Jersey. J. Econ.
Ent. 34: 239-44. Dustan, A. G. & H. R. Boyce. 1966.
Parasitism of the oriental fruitmoth Grapholitha molesta
(Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Ontario, 1956-1965. Proc. Ent. Soc. Ontario
96: 100-02. Fink, D.
E. 1926. The biology of Macrocentrus ancylivora Rohwer, an important
parasite of the strawberry leaf roller (Ancylis
comptata Froehl.). J. Agric. Res. 32: 1121-34. Finney, G. L., S. W. Flanders & H. S.
Smith. 1947. Mass culture of Macrocentrus ancylivorus
and its host the potato tuber moth.
Hilgardia 17: 437-83. Garman, P. & W. P. Bingham. 1933.
Studies on parasites of the Oriental fruit moth. II.
Macrocentrus. Conn. Agric. Expt. Sta. Bull. 356: 73-116. Grandi, G.
1933. Introduzione en Italia
di un imenoptero americano parassita della Cydia molesta
Busck. Ital. Agric. 70: 1077-80. Haden, W. R.
1935. Parasitism of the
Oriental fruit moth with special reference to the importance of certain
alternate hosts. Del. Agric. Expt.
Sta. Bull. 194. 42 p. Haeussler, G. J. 1932. Macrocentrus
ancylivorus Rohw., an
important parasite of the Oriental fruit moth. J. Agric. Res. 45:
79-100. Haeussler, G.
J. 1933. The Oriental fruit
moth Grapholitha molesta Busck, and its
parasites in France and Italy. 5th
Internatl. Cong. Ent. Proc. 2:
533-37. Haeussler, G. J. 1940. Parasites of the
Oriental fruit moth in Japan and Chosen and their introduction into the United
States. U. S. Dept. Agric. Tech.
Bull. 728. 62 p. Helson, G. A. H. 1939. The oriental
peach moth (Cydia molesta Busck). Investigations in the Goulburn Valley,
Victoria. Progress report for the
seasons 1935-38. Austral. Council
Sci. & Indus. Res. Pam. 88. 23 p. Helson, G. A. H. 1947. Investigations on
the control of the Oriental peach moth, Cydia
molesta Busck, in the
Goulburn Valley, Victoria. Austral.
Council Sci. & Indus. Res. J. 20: 17-24. Lopez-Cristobal,
U. 1935. La Peyresia molesta Busck y sus parásitos
argentinos. Nac. Univ. de La Plata,
Rev. Fac. Agron. 20: 140-69. McLeod, J. H. 1962. A review of the biological control
attempts against insects and weeds in Canada. Part I. Biological
control of pests of crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, and weeds in Canada up
to 1959. Commonwealth Inst. Biol.
Control, Tech. Commun. 2: 1-33. Neiswander, R.
B. 1936. Oriental fruit moth
investigations in Ohio. II. Ohio Agric. Expt. Sta. Bull. 569. 30 p. Pepper, B. B. & B. F. Driggers. 1934.
Non-economic insects as intermediate hosts of parasites of the
Oriental fruit moth. Ann. Ent. Soc.
Amer. 27: 593-98. Putnam, W. L.
1963. The strawberry leaf
roller, Ancylis comptana fragariae (Walsh and Riley) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), as
a source of over-wintered Macrocentrus
ancylivorus Rohwer
(Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Ontario.
Canad. Ent. 95: 1022-23. Smith, H. S.
1945. Cost of producing Macrocentrus by the
potato-tuberworm method. J. Econ.
Ent. 38: 316-19. Turica,
A. 1960. Adaptación en el país de un parásito natural del "Gusano
del Duraznero." Idia. 150:
83-5. Turnbull, A. L. & D. A. Chant. 1961.
The practice and theory of biological control of insects in
Canada. Canad. J. Zool. 39: 697-753. van Steenburgh, W. E. 1931. The biological
control factors affecting the abundance of the Oriental peach moth (Laspeyresia molesta Busck) in Ontario
during 1930. Ent. Soc. Ontario 61st
Ann. Rept. 1930: 57-65. van Steenburgh, W. E. & H. R. Boyce. 1938.
Biological control of the Oriental fruit moth Laspeyresia molesta
Busck in Ontario: A review of ten
years' work. Ent. Soc. Ontario 69th
Ann. Rept. 1938: 65-74. Wilson, F.
1960. A review of the
biological control of insects and weeds in Australia and Australian New
Guinea. Commonwealth Inst. Biol.
Control, Tech. commun. 1. 102 p. |